There are no quick fixes  – A look at the global risks of 2019?

Global Risks are Intensifying

“We are drifting deeper into global problems from which we will struggle to extricate ourselves.” This bleak outlook summarises the World Economic Forum’s recently published Global Risks Report. The scale, complexity and urgency of such challenges is breathtaking.

Those that dominate the headlines include environmental risks such as extreme weather events and natural disasters, which sit alongside societal and geopolitical challenges such as involuntary migration, interstate conflict and breakdowns in governance.

Even more worrying are the underlying systemic forces which are converging in ways that are difficult to comprehend; an increasing polarisation of societies merging with the impacts of a changing climate, rising income disparity fuelling increasing national sentiments, shifting geopolitical power balances fusing with issues of urbanisation and environmental degradation.

Alarmed? Disheartened? Well, according to the Forum, the picture gets even bleaker…

The collective will to tackle them appears to be lacking

The findings are stark; our resilience to global shocks has been weakened. The report suggests that growing fissures in the international system, tensions between the globalisation of the world economy and the rising nationalism of world politics present ever deepening risks. Put another way, the adaptive capacity of global institutions, public and private alike is increasingly threatened, and may not be sufficient for the kind of problems we are unwittingly co-creating.

The struggle for new approaches is more urgent than ever

The Forum is confirming our suspicions; that we are grappling with problems the world has never seen before. Its demand for new ideas, approaches and action is necessary and urgent, but much more easily said than done.

The report itself reveals the challenge behind such ambitions; whilst offering an eye-wateringly rich analysis of the risks, trends and interconnections facing us all, its response to such systemic issues is wholly inadequate. But it’s not the fault of the Forum, or any other institution wrestling with these problems; we are simply sailing all-too rapidly into uncharted and uncertain waters.

But what next? How best to forge collective will and inspire adaptive action on a global scale?

These are massive questions – questions that we at Wasafiri are deeply committed to exploring. Our own experiences of grappling with complex problems as diverse as inclusive growth, sustainable food production and entrenched conflict have unearthed a few helpful clues. We’ve tried our best to capture some of the lessons we’ve learned along the way in our Systemcraft Framework, in a bid to help leaders and organisations make better choices about the battles they face.

It’s anything but a silver bullet, but we’re determined not to let our failings and flaws get in the way. Indeed, to paraphrase the Forum; even with such tools and techniques, things will go wrong. And when they do, we must learn and learn quickly. Quick fixes and superficial solutions are not good enough anymore.