Entries by Hamish Wilson


South Sudan Blog 7: The Story of South Sudan

I spotted David Mayom in the third row of the conference hall. Even from a distance he radiated energy. He was tall and rangy, as are so many from the Dinka tribe, and he wore a languid, easy smile. Later, he was introduced as Commissioner for Awerial County from the state’s southern reaches. The presentation […]


South Sudan Blog 6: Disarmament, the challenge for a generation

“Security and development are two sides of the same coin.” Major General Daniel Deng, the tall, distinguished head of the Bureau for Small Arms Control told the gathered audience in his slow, forceful drawl. “But we cannot talk of security without speaking about the availability of weapons in the hands of the people.” The people […]


South Sudan Blog 5: The rock crushers of Jebel Mara

I set off early, heading for the rocky summit of Jebel Mara. The rising sun lit the vast granite outcrop overlooking South Sudan’s capital of Juba. The faint trail was engulfed in elephant grass, towering over me as I clawed and sweated my way upward. I broke free momentarily of the jungle flanking the summit, […]


South Sudan Blog 4: Roads

It is difficult to grasp just how much we in the developed world take our roads for granted. Growing up in rural Australia, endless stretches of blacktop shimmering in the heat haze were an unquestioned necessity. This is not the case in South Sudan. Roughly the size of France, it has a total of around […]